Please refer to the following rates, but please contact us for a customized program to suit your market, goals and budget.
Updated June 30, 2022
Auto-Posting Access (Direct to Web Publishing) Post by Email or with Authorship login, Unlimited Posting and Category selection. Business Profile page.
Automatic Tweet per Post – 12 MONTHS USD 1750
Preferred Media Supplier – (Gold Sponsor) News and articles posted by Login Authorship or Post-by-Email (Auto-Published), Unlimited Posting and Category selection. Automatic Tweet per Post. Banner or Image on Front Page. Listing as Site Sponsor. Inclusion in Newsletters. Business Profile page. 12 Months USD 2600
Preferred Media Supplier – (Silver Sponsor) Same as above – 10 Monthly Limit per month article posting and newsletter inclusions – 12 Months USD 1250
Media Supplier – Bronze-Sponsor Email your news to services@venuesconnect.com fro preferred review and Publishing, Auto Tweeted. Sponsors banner, Business Profile page. 12 Months USD 750
Curated Content & Email Your News Themed – either Article or Press Release. Articles posted and collated for easy access into a specific news feed. News Emails to contain your curated news message. 3 Months USD 500
Extended Media & PR Support – Direct Access to VenuesConnect.com as Contributors for (12 months) with full Posting Rights as Contributor with no restrictions. Publish Direct to Web of Posts/Blog by eMail. Featured content option for Key announcements. Sponsors Banner on VenuesCOnnect.com. Business Profile page. VenuesConnect.com contributes extra content from an video interview with your presentation. Editorial Support & Press Release publishing. Social Sharing of Content. Inclusion of Except in VenuesConnect.com eMailings & PR Support – 12 Months USD 4750
FEATURED (SPONSORED CONTENT) Article supported by paid Banner Advert/Images on Front Page & Category Pages – Featured on Front Page Featured News for 4 weeks then reverting to normal article. Basic article info & text with images provided by Advertiser. Editorial and formatting support, social networking promotional support. COST : USD 250
SPONSORED CONTENT – Article placed in the relevant Category Page (Basic article content provided by Advertiser. Hyperlinks, Images and Tabbed content for easy reading. Images provided by the Advertiser. Editorial and formatting support, social networking promotional support. COST : USD 180
PROMOTIONAL CONTENT – Article includes promotional content in a Featured Promo Segment. Includes listing on Front Page. An efficient way to promote an offer or your services. COST : USD 130.
- Design as provided by the Advertiser (3 Months)
- 320 x 250 $US120, 160 x 600 USD 120
- 120 x 240 $US70, 125 x 125 USD 50
- Javascript or Dynamic Advert- USD 100
- Large Format eg 720 x 300 – Please Ask
- Note – Prices may change without notice and will be reflected in an agreed Invoice.
Custom Requests – Custom publishing requests are welcome and fees confirmed prior to commencement of work.
An efficient way to promote an offer or your services to MICE Professionals
Listed in the VenuesConnect PROMO category COST: USD 130 for 90 days.
- (1) Article – Supported by paid Banner Advert/Images on Front Page & Category Page
- Article Featured on Front Page Featured News for 4 weeks then revert to a normal article
- Banner or Images provided by the Advertiser
- Basic article info & text provided by Advertiser – Editorial and formatting
- Social Networking promotional support
- COST : USD 300 (Banner/Image extra – see Banner & Image Cost ) #
- (1) Article – Placed on the relevant Category Page,
- Up to 500 words, hyperlinks allowed. (Basic text provided by Advertiser)
- Linked Image in Article – (Image provided by the Advertiser)
- COST : USD 130
- (Additional Banner/Linked Image – see Banner & Image Cost )
- PROMOTIONAL ARTICLE (Advertorial Article)
- (1) Article placed in the relevant Category Page (Basic article content provided by Advertiser)
- Up to 650 words including hyperlinks, images and Tabbed content for easy reading
- Hyperlinked Image/s in article. (Images provided by the Advertiser)
- Social Network promotional support
- COST : USD 180
- (Additional Banner/Linked Image – see Banner & Image Cost )
Additional Information
We provide one free editorial revision of the draft at no additional cost (conditions apply*)
Payment must be confirmed prior to publishing. Editorial, space and image restrictions may apply that affect the final invoiced cost
* Fees may vary for Articles depending on Editorial Requirements, Image Inserts, Additional Adverts, Site & Page Placement.
All work conducted by VENUESCONNECt.com is on the basis of an Agreed Invoice. PRICES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ANY RATE CHANGE WILL BE REFLECTED ON THE WEBSITE ORDER FORM and Invoice. VENUESCONNECT.COM will provide a Work Contract detailing all works and conditions prior to commencement of Work.
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The advertiser represents and warrants that it owns the copyright in the photographic and textual material supplied to The Publisher of this website (the Material) or (b) has been authorized by the owner of the copyright in the Material to grant The Publisher of this website permission to use the Material as below. The advertiser grants The Publisher of this website permission to use the Material for promoting the advertisers property for the duration of the advert. The advertiser irrevocably and unconditionally indemnifies The Publisher of this website immediately on demand against any cost, loss or liability (including legal costs) which The Publisher of this website may incur by reason of any breach of copyright arising from its use of the Material.
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Layout and design of this website
The Publisher of this website reserves the right to determine the final design layout of the individual customer’s pages, including the right to edit copy, or amend layouts or photographs supplied. The Webmaster of this website also reserves the right, to amend and edit copy provided by advertisers. The Publisher of this website cannot be held responsible for any loss, or damage, resulting from the design, or positioning, of the properties on the website, or changes made to the photographs and copy submitted by the customer.
External links
The Publisher of this website reserves the right to refuse hypertext links to commercial accommodation advertisers, or addresses of, other web sites from advertisers’ pages.
Refund Policy
Please refer to the refund policy before you place an order or call us with any question.